Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Albert Camus the Plague Essay Example for Free

Albert Camus the Plague Essay Can God possibly exist in a world full of madness and injustice? Albert Camus and Samuel Beckett address these questions in The Plague and Waiting for Godot. Though their thinking follows the ideals of existentialism, their conclusions are different. Camus did not believe in God, nor did he agree with the vast majority of the historical beliefs of the Christian religion. His stance on Christianity is summed up most simply by his remark that in its essence, Christianity (and this is its paradoxical greatness) is a doctrine of injustice. It is founded on the sacrifice of the innocent and the acceptance of this sacrifice (Bree 49). Camus felt that Jesus Christ was an innocent man who was unjustly killed. This does conflicts with all of Camus values. However, Camus did not believe that Jesus was the son of God. Camus inability to accept Christian theology is voiced in The Plague by Riex and juxtaposed against the beliefs preached by Father Paneloux (Rhein 42). Panelouxs attitude toward the plague contrasts sharply with Rieuxs. In his first sermon, he preaches that the plague is divine in origin and punitive in its purpose. He attempts to put aside his desires for a rational explanation and simply accepts Gods will. In this way he is not revolting and therefore falls victim to the plague. Father Panelouxs belief that there are no innocent victims is shaken as he watches a young boy die of the plague. Camus purposefully describes a long, painful death to achieve the greatest effect on Paneloux: When the spasms had passed, utterly exhausted, tensing his thin legs and arms, on which, within forty-eight hours, the flesh had wasted to the bone, the child lay flat, in a grotesque parody of crucifixion (215). Paneloux cannot deny that the child was an innocent victim and is forced to rethink his ideas. During his second sermon, a change is seen in Father Paneloux. He now uses the pronoun we instead of you, and he has adopted a new policy in which he tells people to believe all or nothing (224). Father Paneloux, as a Christian, is faced with a decision: either he accepts that God is the ultimate ruler and brings goodness out of the evil that afflicts men, or he sides with Rieux and denies God. The conclusion formed by Camus is that because this is a world in which innocent people are tortured, there is no God. Samuel Beckett does not necessarily deny the existence of God in Waiting for Godot. If God does exist, then He contributes to the chaos by remaining silent. The French philosopher Blaise Pascal noted the arbitrariness of life and that the universe works based on percentages. He advocated using such arbitrariness to ones advantage, including believing in God. If He does not exist, nobody would care in the end, but if He does, a believer is on the safe side all along, so one cannot lose. In this play, either God does not exist, or He does not care. Whichever is the case, chance and arbitrariness determine human life in the absence of a divine power. This ties in with the two tramps chances for salvation. As one critic observes, For just as man cannot live by bread alone, he now realizes that he cannot live by mere thinking or hanging on in vain to a thread of salvation which does not seem to exist (Lumley 203). This explains Vladimir and Estragons contemplation of suicide after Godot remains absent for yet another day. One could also argue, in the absurd sense, that each man has a fifty-fifty chance of salvation. One of the two prisoners who were crucified with Jesus was given salvation. This element of chance for salvation can also be extended to Pozzo and Lucky in Waiting for Godot. When they come across the two tramps, Pozzo is on his way to sell Lucky because he claims that Lucky has grown old and only hinders him. In this way Pozzo is trying to draw that fifty-fifty chance of salvation for himself. One of the ways in which Lucky hinders him is that Lucky could be the one to be redeemed, leaving Pozzo to be damned. Even Luckys speech is concerned with salvation: Given the existence of a personal God outside time without who from the heights of divine apathia divide athambia divide apaia loves us dearly with some exceptions for reasons unknown and suffers with those who for reasons unknown are plunged in torment. (28) After removing all of Luckys nonsensical meanderings, the gist of his speech is that God does not communicate with humans and condemns them for unknown reasons. His silence causes the real hopelessness, and this is what makes Waiting for Godot a tragedy

Monday, January 20, 2020

Pedagogical Grammar Essay -- Education, Language Instructors

Introduction Pedagogical grammar is a rather new concept that has been applied by a number of language instructors to impart new language knowledge to students (Nordquist 2011, p. 1). The teaching methodology has its own structures in the sense that it is divided into two aspects: the first talks about the grammatical composition of language while the second talks about the articulation of language rules (of the new language). In comprehensively analyzing how the teaching methodology works, it is important to understand that when grammatical arrangement of words is to be done, the most appropriate arrangement of the words should be considered before the exercise. This approach is observed in the above sequence because pedagogical grammar has a definite, coherent and heuristic set of rules (Chalker 1994). These features should enable students to easily learn the second language through the development of an axiomatic system between L1 and L2 languages (Allwright 2009). Pedagogical grammar is however very unique in its purposes (especially regarding grammatical composition) because f...

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Week 3 Homework Assignment

Week 3 Assignments Chapter 7 7. Differentiate between the following: active income, passive income, and portfolio income. 13. Briefly, what is â€Å"material participation†? Why is the determination of whether a taxpayer materially participates important? 46. Mary Beth is a CPA, devoting 3,000 hours per year to her practice. She also owns an office building in which she rents out space to tenants. She devotes none of her time to the management of the office building. She has a property management firm make all management decisions for her.During 2012, she incurred a loss, for tax purposes, of $30,000 on the office building. How must Mary Beth treat this loss on her 2012 tax return? 34. Mike and Sally Card file a joint return for the 2012 tax year. Their adjusted gross income is $65,000 and they incur the following interest expenses: Investment income and related expenses amount to $7,000 and $500, respectively. What is Mike and Sally's interest deduction for the 2012 tax year? 40. In each of the following independent cases determine the amount of charitable contributions allowed the individual before consideration of any percentage limitations. a.Charlie Chubbs contributed an item of inventory from his sole proprietorship to a public charity for its use. The fair market value of the asset was $800 and his basis was $600. b. Durwood Dodson contributed some shares of common stock that he had held long-term to a private charity. The basis of the stock was $8,000 and it had a fair market value of $7,000. c. Esther Ensign contributed tangible personal property that she had held long-term to a public charity. The asset had a fair market value of $10,000 and a basis of $6,000. The charity intended to sell the asset and use the proceeds for charitable purposes.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Usefulness Of Financial Information Towards Using Financial Statements Finance Essay - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2562 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? Financial statements are the statements that show the performance of an individuals, a business or an organizations financial position or status. Basically there are four types of financial statements that include Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement and Statement of Retained Profits or Earnings. Users of financial statements can be divided into two following categories Internal Users External Users Internal Users Internal users are the users related with the management of concern for which information is required to be collected or surveyed. They are Managers, Employees, Directors and Partners of the business. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Usefulness Of Financial Information Towards Using Financial Statements Finance Essay" essay for you Create order Managers and Owners Managers, directors and owners needed the financial statements to make business decisions. They are considered essential for the smooth flow of business operations. They set outs the current and actual financial position of the business and the future of the business can be sought on basis of past financial statements. Sometimes it becomes very difficult to choose or decide the right path for the business in which financial resources may be channelized. In such case financial statements financial statements of competitors or other companies provide suitable guideline. Employees The immense usage of the financial statements is to the employees of the business to collective bargain agreements. These statements are used to discuss matters of promotion, salary or rankings alike. External Users External users of financial statements are as follows Investors Investors Suppliers Customers Competitors Government agencies Public Investors Investors use financial statements to make decisions to invest into a business. Investors are always keen to make their investment safe and secure. Investors always needed to know that how their investment i.e. money being spent by the managers. Lenders Lenders supply or provide finance to the business on agreed rate of interest for shorter or longer period of time. Suppliers In a business commodities are sold and purchase on credit basis. Suppliers provide goods and services to business on credit basis. The suppliers always use financial statement to assure by analyzing financial statements that the business to whom they ate supplying goods and services on credit have the ability to repay the price of goods and services provided. Customer Customers are also user of financial statements of a business. Here question arises Why do customer need financial statements of a business? The answer is customers want to know that either the business whose goods and services they are going to use or utilize have enough resources to lend them. Competitors Competitors are also users of financial statements of the business to know the financial situation of the business to make decisions and strategies to conquer the market. New entrants needed likelihood to get into the market. Government Agencies Government agencies and legislation authorities also interested into the financial statements of the business for the purpose of legislation, taxation, regulation of labor and permission of license etc. General Public For members of the public the financial statement of the business is of the nature of a health examination report. It tells the public about employment opportunities and general growth of an individual concern and an economy as a whole. Evaluate the performance of a company of your choice with an organisation trading within the same industry. (Use appropriate ratios. Attach the copy of the financial statements of both companies Accounting Ratios for Nokia Corporation Ltd For the year 2008 Liquidity Ratios: Current Ratio: Current Assets / Current Liabilities X 100 24470 / 20355 X 100 120% Absolute Liquid Ratio: Cash + cash Equivalents / Current Liabilities X 100 6820 / 20355 X 100 33.5% Quick (Acid Test) Ratio: Current Assets inventories / Current Liabilities X 100 21937 / 20335 X 100 107.8% Profitability Ratios: GP Margin Ratio: Sales CGS / Sales X 100 17373 / 50710 X 100 34.26% Net Profit to Net Sales Ratio: Net Profit / Net Sales X 100 4970 / 50710 X100 9.8% Earnings Per Share Ratio: Net Profit Payable / Number of shares 3988 / 1000 3.988 Per share Solvency (Coverage) Ratios: Debt to Total Asset Ratio: Total Debts / Total Assets X 100 20355 / 39582 X 100 51.42% Activity Ratios: Primary Activity Ratios: Debtor Turnover Ratio: Net credit sales / Avg. Debtors 50710 / 10322 4.91 Note: All the sales are assumed as credit sales Inventory Turnover Ratio: CGS / Avg. Inventory 33337 / 2704.5 12.32 Asset turnover Ratio: Sales / avg. total assets 50710 / 241670.5 0.21 Supplementary Activity Ratios: Avg. Collection Period: 365 / Debtors turnover ratio 365 / 4.91 74.33 days Inventory Conversion Period: 365 / Inventory turnover ratio 365 / 12.32 29.62 ~ 30 days Accounting Ratios for Nokia Corporation Ltd For the year 2007 Liquidity Ratios: Current Ratio: Current Assets / Current Liabilities X 100 29294 / 18976 X 100 154.37% Absolute Liquid Ratio: Cash + Cash Equivalents / Current Liabilities X 100 6850 / 18976 X 100 36.1% Quick (Acid Test) Ratio: Current Assets inventories / Current Liabilities X 100 26418 / 18976 X 100 139.23% Profitability Ratios: GP Margin Ratio: Sales CGS / Sales X 100 17304 / 51058 X 100 33.9% Net Profit to Net Sales Ratio: Net Profit / Net Sales X 100 8268 / 51058 X100 16.2% Earnings Per Share Ratio: Net Profit Payable / Number of shares 8268 / 1000 8.268 Per share Solvency (Coverage) Ratios: Debt to Total Asset Ratio: Total Debts / Total Assets X 100 18976 / 37599 X 100 50.47% Activity Ratios: Primary Activity Ratios: Debtor Turnover Ratio: Net credit sales / Avg. Debtors 51058 / 8544 5.97 Note: All the sales are assumed as credit sales Inventory Turnover Ratio: CGS / Avg. Inventory 33754 / 2210 15.27 Asset turnover Ratio: Sales / avg. total assets 51058 / 30108 1.7 Supplementary Activity Ratios: Avg. Collection Period: 365 / Debtors turnover ratio 365 / 5.97 61.13 days Inventory Conversion Period: 365 / Inventory turnover ratio 365 / 15.27 23.9 ~ 24 days Accounting Ratios for Nokia Corporation Ltd For the year 2006 Liquidity Ratios: Current Ratio: Current Assets / Current Liabilities X 100 18586 / 10161 X 100 182.9% Absolute Liquid Ratio: Cash + Cash Equivalents / Current Liabilities X 100 8537 / 10161 X 100 84.02% Quick (Acid Test) Ratio: Current Assets inventories / Current Liabilities X 100 17029 / 10161 X 100 167.62% Profitability Ratios: GP Margin Ratio: Sales CGS / Sales X 100 13379 / 41121 X 100 32.54% Net Profit to Net Sales Ratio: Net Profit / Net Sales X 100 5723 / 41121 X100 13.92% Earnings Per Share Ratio: Net Profit Payable / Number of shares 4366 / 1000 4.366 Per share Solvency (Coverage) Ratios: Debt to Total Asset Ratio: Total Debts / Total Assets X 100 10161 / 22617 X 100 44.93% Activity Ratios: Primary Activity Ratios: Debtor Turnover Ratio: Net credit sales / Avg. Debtors 41121 / 5617 7.32 Note: All the sales are assumed as credit sales Inventory Turnover Ratio: CGS / Avg. Inventory 27742 / 1611 17.22 Asset Turnover Ratio: Sales / avg. total assets 41121 / 22534.5 1.81 Supplementary Activity Ratios Avg. Collection Period: 365 / Debtors turnover ratio 365 / 7.32 49.86 ~ 50 days Inventory Conversion Period: 365 / Inventory turnover ratio 365 / 17.22 21.19~ 22 days Ratio Analysis: Sn Ratios 2008 2007 2006 01 Current ratio 120% 154.37% 182.90% 02 Absolute Liquid Ratio 33.50% 36.10% 84.02% 03 Quick ratio 107.80% 139.23% 167.62% 04 GP Margin Ratio 34.26% 33.90% 32.54% 05 Net Profit to net sales ratio 9.80% 16.20% 13.92% 06 Earning Per Share Ratio 3.988 per share 8.268 per share 4.366 per share 07 Debt to Total Asset Ratio 51.42% 50.47% 44.93% 08 Debtor turnover ratio 4.91 5.97 7.32 09 Avg. Collection Period 74.33 days 61.13 days 49.86 days 10 Inventory Conversion Period 29.62 days 23.9 days 21.19 days 11 Inventory turnover Ratio 12.32 15.27 17.22 12 Asset turnover Ratio 0.21 1.7 1.81 The current ratio of the company shows that company have enough current assets to repay its all the current liabilities which shows that company is in good condition but not enough good as it was in 2007 and 2006. The absolute liquid ratio shows that company has 34.26% highly liquid assets to repay its current liabilities. This shows bad impact of the company. Although company has more liquid assets in 2006 and 2007 to clear its liabilities this shows that companys performance is going worse day by day. The quick ratio shows that company have enough funds available to repay its current liabilities. This is good sign for investors. But as we compare it with ratios of previous two years it shows that it is also decreasing. Company has not enough funds available as they were available in 2006-07. The GP margin ratio shows that our gross profit is 34.26% of total sales. This is increasing with the increase of sales. As we compare GP margin ratio of last three years, we see that GP margin is in very good in 2008. This attracts the investors. The NP to Net Sales ratio shows that the margin of net profit of total sales is 9.8% is quiet low as compared to previous two years. This shows that company has increased it administrative and marketing expenses this year. The share holders of the company are not getting enough earning this year as much as they have earned in previous years. This makes investors to withdraw their investment from business. And business goes down without having investment. The Debts to total assets shows that the company has 2 assets to repay its 1 Liability or debts. The company is in good position to clear its debts. As we compare it with past two years the company was in better condition. Company increased it debts this year. The debtor turnover ratio shows that we have made 4.91 times credit sales than avg. debtors. In past years company made more credit sales than this year. It means company prefer to make more cash sales. The avg. collection period shows that company recovers debts from customers in 74.33 days. As we compare this with last two years than we come to know that company recovered its debts in fewer periods than this. It means co mpany made soft debts recovery policies. The inventory conversion period shows that company converts it stock/inventory into sales in 29.62 days. But in previous years company took 23.9 days and 21.19 days to convert its stock into sales. This year company took more time for conversion into sales. This means that company policies need urgent attention. Accounting Ratios for Samsung Corporation Ltd For the year 2008 Liquidity Ratios: Current Ratio: Current Assets / Current Liabilities X 100 193728 / 106617 X 100 181.7% Absolute Liquid Ratio: Cash + cash Equivalents / Current Liabilities X 100 91087 / 106617 X 100 85.43% Quick (Acid Test) Ratio: Current Assets inventories / Current Liabilities X 100 191756 / 106617 X 100 179.85% Profitability Ratios: GP Margin Ratio: Sales CGS / Sales X 100 266056 / 298934 X 100 89% Net Profit to Net Sales Ratio: Net Profit / Net Sales X 100 63189 / 298934 X100 21.14% Earnings Per Share Ratio: Net Profit Payable / Number of shares 43592 / 1000 43.592 Per share Solvency (Coverage) Ratios Debt to Total Asset Ratio Total Debts / Total Assets X 100 107840 / 848183 X 100 12.71% Activity Ratios: Primary Activity Ratios: Debtor Turnover Ratio: Net credit sales / Avg. Debtors 298934 / 72573 4.12 Note: All the sales are assumed as credit sales Inventory turnover Ratio: CGS / Avg. Inventory 32878 / 2155.5 15.25 Asset turnover Ratio: Sales / avg. total assets 298934 / 745563.5 0.401 Supplementary Activity Ratios: Avg. Collection Period: 365 / Debtors turnover ratio 365 / 4.12 88.59 days Inventory Conversion Period: 365 / Inventory turnover ratio 365 / 15.25 23.93 days Accounting Ratios for Siemens For the year 2008 Liquidity Ratios: Current Ratio: Current Assets / Current Liabilities X 100 43242 / 42451 X 100 101.9% Absolute Liquid Ratio: Cash + cash Equivalents / Current Liabilities X 100 6893 / 42451X 100 16.24% Quick (Acid Test) Ratio: Current Assets inventories / Current Liabilities X 100 28733 / 42451 X 100 67.69% Profitability Ratios: GP Margin Ratio: Sales CGS / Sales X 100 21043 / 77327 X 100 27.21% Net Profit to Net Sales Ratio: Net Profit / Net Sales X 100 5886 / 77327 X100 7.61% Earnings Per Share Ratio: Net Profit Payable / Number of shares 5886 / 1000 5.886 Per share Solvency (Coverage) Ratios: Debt to Total Asset Ratio: Total Debts / Total Assets X 100 67083 / 94463 X 100 71.02% Activity Ratios: Primary Activity Ratios: Debtor Turnover Ratio: Net credit sales / Avg. Debtors 77327 / 15202.5 5.09 Note: All the sales are assumed as credit sales Inventory Turnover Ratio: CGS / Avg. Inventory 56284 / 13719.5 4.1 Asset Turnover Ratio: Sales / avg. total assets 77327 / 93009 0.83 Supplementary Activity Ratios: Avg. Collection Period: 365 / Debtors turnover ratio 365 / 5.09 71.71 days Inventory Conversion Period: 365 / Inventory turnover ratio 365 / 4.1 89.02 days Ratio Analysis of Nokia, Samsung and Siemens: S/N Ratios Nokia Samsung Siemens 00 Year 2008 2008 2008 01 Current ratio 120% 181.7% 101.9% 02 Absolute Liquid Ratio 33.50% 85.43% 16.24% 03 Quick ratio 107.80% 179.85% 67.69% 04 GP Margin Ratio 34.26% 89% 27.21% 05 Net Profit to net sales ratio 9.80% 21.14% 7.61% 06 Earning Per Share Ratio 3.988 per share 43.592 per share 5.886 per share 07 Debt to Total Asset Ratio 51.42% 12.71% 71.02% 08 Debtor turnover ratio 4.91 4.12 5.09 09 Avg. Collection Period 74.33 days 88.59 days 71.71 days 10 Inventory Conversion Period 29.62 days 23.93 days 89.02 days 11 Inventory turnover Ratio 12.32 15.25 4.1 12 Asset turnover Ratio 0.21 0.401 0.83 As we compare the quick ratio of the nokia we can analyze that the company is more stable then the siemens but when we compare it to Samsung we can see that Samsung is more stable then nokia. Similarly as Absolute liquid ratio of t he nokia is also less then the Samsung but it is grater then the siemens that means the company has absolute liquid assets greater then the siemens but less then the Samsung to pay off its current liabilities Same situation is with the Quick, G.P Margin Ratio and Net Profit to Sale Ratio in Nokia, It has good performance then the siemens but as we compare it to the Samsung. Samsung is more stable then nokia company due to various reasons The share holders of Samsung earn more than of Nokias and Siemens. This attracts investors to invest in Samsung rather than other two companies. Debts to total assets ratio shows that nokia has 51% of debts of its total assets. While Samsung has 12.71% and Siemens have 71% debts of its total assets. The Debts to Total assets ratio of Samsung is better than other twos. Nokia recovers its accounts receivables from its debtors in about 75 days while Samsung and Siemens recovers in 89 and 72 two days consecutively. The company should recover its receivables from its debtors in minimum period of time so that it can utilize its cash more effectively and efficiently. The above comparison shows that Siemens recovers its receivables in minimum time of 72 days. Samsung its stock into sales in 24 days while Nokia and Siemens put their stock into sales in 30 and 89 days. A company, having shorter inventory conversion period increases its sales and utilize its resources efficiently, is ideal company. Importance: Investment is life blood of a business. A business can never survive without appropriate investment/funding. Investment: (Options) Establishment of new Business: An investor has an option of investment in starting a new business. He can start new business to earn profit. He can utilize his experience to run business efficiently. Purchase of an Existing Business: An investor can also purchase an existing business. He can do so on analyzing companies past annual reports and he also forecast standing of business in near future. Investment in Shares of a Business: An investor has an option of investment in shares of existing listed companies. He can compare some different companies annual reports and take decision on making investment in shares. Merging of Business: Investors can investment in expansion of business in such a way to overcome on another same or different type of business. There are two types of merging of a business. Horizontal Merging into same type of business is called horizontal type of merging. Vertical Merging into different type of business is called vertical type of merging. Amalgamation of Business: Investors have an option of investment in amalgamation of one business into another. One business can amalgamate another business Advancement of Loans: An investor can advance loan to business on agreed terms. Performance Audit An audit performed by an asset manager from outside of the business to verify the performance shown in financial statements of the business. Forecasting using Regression Line Method: N X Y XY X2 1 5 34191 170955 25 2 6 41121 246726 36 3 7 51058 357406 49 4 8 50710 405680 64 ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€¹Ã¢â‚¬  Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å" 26 177080 1180767 174 Here X = Year Y = Sales Y = a + b X a = ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€¹Ã¢â‚¬  Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"X2 ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€¹Ã¢â‚¬  Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Y ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€¹Ã¢â‚¬  Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"X ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€¹Ã¢â‚¬  Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"XY n ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€¹Ã¢â‚¬  Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"X2 ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€¹Ã¢â‚¬  Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å" (X) 2 a = (174) (177080) (26) (1180767) 4(174) (26) a = 30811920 3069942 696 676 a = 111978 20 a = 5598.9 b = n ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€¹Ã¢â‚¬  Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"XY -ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€¹Ã¢â‚¬  Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"X ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€¹Ã¢â‚¬  Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Y n ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€¹Ã¢â‚¬  Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"X2 ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€¹Ã¢â‚¬  Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å" (X) 2 b = (4) (1180767) (26) (177080) 4(174) (26) a = 4723068 4604080 696 676 a = 118988 20 a = 5949.4 a = 5598.9 b = 5949.4 Y = a + b X Y = 5598.9 + 5949.4 X Y = 5598.9 + 5949.4 (9) 9 = 59143.5 Y = 5598.9 + 5949.4 (10) 10 = 65092.0 Sales for the year 2009 is expected to increase. Graphical Representation Vision of the future Connecting people is now connecting people to what matters whatever that means for each person giving them the power to make the most of every moment, everywhere, any time. Connecting the we is more powerful than just the individual. Thats how Nokia is needed to help make the world a better place for everyone. Strategy To do this we will become the leading provider of mobile solutions. Our solutions strategy leverages one of our greatest assets a portfolio of outstanding devices, with unmatched scale and geographic reach. We couple them with smart services, integrated via an intuitive and seamless user experience. We differentiate these solutions offerings based on our in-depth consumer understanding, with a strong focus on social location (people and places). In a world where connecting people to what matters, empowers them to make the most of every moment. Our ambition is to become the leading provider of mobile solutions